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Executive & Management Coaching

"Seeing the forest from the trees" is a phrase most of us have heard.

In it’s basic form, many times we are so close or involved in a situation we simply cannot see other opportunities or solutions right in front of us. As the leaders in executive and management positions, this can be the Achilles heal that leads to a leader’s downfall, loss of credibility or loss of a job or position.

In addition, sometimes we are educated and/or trained to see obstacles and opportunities from a certain perspective and become engrained in that perspective. Our egos become attached to our viewpoints and opinions and we stop listening and being open to other’s ideas. These can often lead to alienation from peers and staff or to an outright mutiny. These challenges continue and create frustration, a crisis of leadership and a company’s downfall when our leaders lose credibility among staff and the public.

In today’s society of having to know it all, sometimes our viewpoints and solutions become so integrated with our ego that we simply are not willing to listen to others or change courses. It’s those times we need an outside party to help us navigate through to allow the right decisions to come forward and our return to openess.

Executive and Management coaching is a phrase used when referring to having a personal mentor or trusted advisor, someone who shares the same value system as yours, however, one who can share different viewpoints or perspectives and solutions in a positive and healthy manner. In some cases these Coaches and Mentors are there to bounce ideas off or who can offer other solutions or concerns to projects and situations so those may be considered before an embarrassing or costly mistake down the road occurs.

Charged with forming, nurturing and advancing an organization’s culture that provides positive results, both inside and outside the company, the senior management team or executive / management in charge are challenged with this task and must always continue to learn, grow and lead by example. We are to be the people and leaders we want our employees to be. Furthering that, with today’s very diverse workforce with different generational values and belief systems, communication and age differences, not to mention the reality of the complex work environment, no one person can know it all. At CORSTRA, we can help offer you the perspectives and solutions needed to avoid these pitfalls and be a trusted advisor.

Whether you are a smaller organization who needs a little help from time to time, or a Senior Level executive at a large organization, CORSTRA can help equip you with the tools needed for the situations at hand.

This support, in addition to breaking down barriers that hinder growth and cause organizational stress, is the value that CORSTRA provides.

Executive and Management Coaching

In it’s basic form, many times we are so close or highly involved in a situation that we simply cannot see other opportunities or solutions...

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Business Consulting

In today’s, fast paced and ever changing environments, you need proven strategies and experience to keep you and your organization...

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Public Speaking

Whether for a tailored program for a group of four or to a townhall of 300, our team brings life and energy into the topics lectured on...

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It has been said it takes a village to raise a child. This paradigm is as true today as it was when it was first spoke...

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